For teenagers and adults alike, acne is a difficult condition to live with. Finding the right acne treatment for your unique skin can be even more challenging. Anyone who’s struggled with acne will tell you it can flare up at any time, for no apparent reason. Being prepared with expert advice and effective treatment options
[Read More]Skincare
Finding Your Family’s Perfect “Skincare Partnership”
Skin problems can begin appearing during infancy, and continue right into old age. That’s why it’s well worth establishing a lifelong “skincare partnership” with the best dermatology practice within your ongoing, convenient reach. When Benjamin Franklin famously said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, chances are he wasn’t referring to healthy
[Read More]Tanning Safety & Skin Cancer Risk for Young Women
Ask most young women if appearing tanned is important to looking and feeling their best, and the answer will often be yes. Simply put, many still perceive a tanned face as a sign of health and attractiveness. It’s a long-standing, common perception that still motivates millions to hit the beach and/or tanning salon, searching for
[Read More]Top 4 Overlooked Sun Damage Risks
If you’re like millions of other people, you’re probably enjoying as much outdoor fun in the sun as you can with friends and family this summer. And you probably know the basics of Sun Safety and Skin Cancer Prevention: Avoiding direct sun exposure (if you can) from 10 am – 4pm, when UV rays are
[Read More]8 Great Food Tips for Super Skin
Medically Reviewed By: Michael Siino, PA-C Just about everybody knows the old saying, “You are what you eat”…right? Let’s get real, it can be…disconcerting, to look in the mirror and notice a new wrinkle forming on your face, or to see newly visible signs of aging anywhere on your skin, for that matter. Well,
[Read More]Men’s Skin: Saving Face
For too many men, a daily facial care “regimen” means swiftly swirling a bar of body-deodorant soap across their face before rinsing off and rushing out of the shower. And word has it, some men even use trickle-down lather from their shampoo for a quick facial scrub! Let’s face it, lots of guys need to
[Read More]Men’s Skin: The Big Picture
When you see skin care ads, they’re mostly geared towards women, right? Does that mean women care more about their skin then men? That’s open to debate, but there’s no doubt men have their own specific set of skin care irritations and issues to deal with. When you look at human skin generally speaking, you
[Read More]Protecting Yourself From Skin Cancer
By Dr. Kerry Shaughnessy Hello! May is national Skin Cancer Awareness month, which makes good sense given that we’re heading into summertime and peak sun-tanning season. What better time for some helpful sun protection tips from your friendly Water’s Edge dermatologist? Note that this will be my first summer spent in Florida, so it’s important
[Read More]The Big Picture on Skin Cancer
The month of May is known for celebrations such as Mother’s Day and May Day. But it’s also Skin Cancer Awareness month, and based upon the staggering statistics, it’s no wonder why. Here are just a few of the worrisome facts, from the Skin Cancer Foundation: During the past thirty years, more people have suffered
[Read More]How to Get Clearer Skin With Acne-Fighting Foods
If you’re suffering from acne, then you’re not alone. Currently, 85% of all people in the U.S. have suffered from some form of acne at a point in their lives, typically on the chest, face, or back. Acne is caused by a number of factors, including genetics, stress, and diet. And while we can’t control
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