Could You Be Making These 4 Common Skin are Mistakes?Without a doubt, it’s not easy to have a glowing complexion. Just look at the statistics: 85% of people will suffer from some sort of acne in their lifetime, and around 7.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis. Despite this, the beauty and skin care industry is doing better than ever.
So what gives? Unfortunately (and fortunately), the secret to perfect skin isn’t just about buying the best skin care products for women. Rather, it takes a commitment to a certain lifestyle that will not only have your skin looking better, but will have you feeling better, too.
Here are 4 skin care mistakes to avoid:
Not getting enough sleep
During the day, your skin is working hard to protect itself from damaging free radicals, pollutants, and ultraviolet rays. Just like your mind, your skin is able to rejuvenate and repair itself overnight, keeping skin in top notch condition. However, a lack of sleep will effectively accelerate the aging process, delay healing, and will result in a number of skin problems, such as acne, dark circles, and puffy eyes. To look and feel your best, shoot for eight hours of sleep per night.
Not washing your face before bed
While applying SPF, primer, makeup and the like has your skin looking good and feeling good during the day, these products are built to last and will remain heavily on the skin, clogging your pores and leaving it susceptible to dry skin, breakouts, and sensitive areas. Instead, use a gentle cleanser before bed and an evening formulated moisturizer that will help your skin to rejuvenate as it intends to. Ask a dermatologist about what night-time routine and products are best for your skin.
You fail to moisturize
Many of the 50 million Americans dealing with acne believe that people with oily skin should skip the moisturizer before bed. But like previous tips have shown, the skin has a tendency to dry out as you sleep. Providing it with the essential moisture necessary will help to halt excess oil production that leads to breakouts in the first place.
Not staying informed
Ignorance is bliss, but it also makes for poor skin habits and a bad complexion. Visit your local dermatologist regularly, or schedule an online dermatology appointment to find out what skin care routine is best for your specific skin type. Whether you choose in-person or online, an expert will help you to correct any mistakes that are disrupting your current skin care routine.