Medical Review By: Alissa O’Brien, MD Whether you’re in your 30s, 20s or teens, chances are you think of skin cancer as a vague and distant threat, if you think of it at all. But the statistics may surprise you. It’s true that melanoma, which can be fatal, is most often seen in older
[Read More]skin cancer treatment
Skin Cancer Treatments
Hearing the word “cancer” can be scary. However, when it comes to skin cancer, it doesn’t have to be frightening. Although it is the most common cancer in the United States, skin cancer is highly curable when caught and treated early. If you are diagnosed with skin cancer or a pre-cancerous spot, schedule a visit
[Read More]Spotting Skin Cancer
Have you ever looked at a spot on your skin and asked yourself, “Should I be concerned about that?” Most of us have. At Water’s Edge Dermatology, we want to help make everyone smarter about skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Early detection is vital.
[Read More]Tanning Safety & Skin Cancer Risk for Young Women
Ask most young women if appearing tanned is important to looking and feeling their best, and the answer will often be yes. Simply put, many still perceive a tanned face as a sign of health and attractiveness. It’s a long-standing, common perception that still motivates millions to hit the beach and/or tanning salon, searching for
[Read More]Best Treatment for Skin Cancer is Prevention: Iowa Doctors Raising Awareness Through Pre-Prom Event
Certainly one of the most common forms of skin maladies. About 85% of people suffer from acne at some point during their lifetime and over 40% of teenagers will have some form of acne or acne scarring by their mid-teens. Of course, even the most severe acne treatment cases are a far cry from treatment
[Read More]3 Things You Need to Know About Skin Cancer
Having clear and beautiful skin is a priority for many — but what if your life depended on it? Making sure your body is free of cancerous moles and other signs of skin cancer is essential to leading a long and healthy life. Here are 3 more things you need to know about skin cancer:
[Read More]New Skin Cancer Treatment Option Promises a Painless, Scar-Free Procedure
As summer approaches and people across the United States prepare to spend more time outside, there is one thing everyone should be doing: wearing sunscreen regularly, as well as frequently reapplying the product as necessary. This method, along with other forms of sun protection, is the best way to prevent skin cancer, a condition that
[Read More]Stanford Research Team Discovers New Way to Treat Drug-Resistant Skin Cancer
An estimated one in every five Americans will reportedly develop skin cancer at some point during their lives, making the condition an extremely common and problematic disorder across the United States. Fortunately, of the more than 3.5 million nonmelanoma skin cancers that are diagnosed in the U.S. every year, most are highly curable; in fact,
[Read More]How to Prepare for a Skin Cancer Examination
While dermatologists are known for prescribing acne treatment products and treating cosmetic concerns, many patients make an appointment at their local dermatologist clinics for more serious reasons. With one in five Americans developing skin cancer over the course of their lives, it is extremely important you take steps to protect your skin from harmful UV
[Read More]The Skin Cancer Treatment Options You Should Know About
Skin cancers are more common than you might think; about one in five Americans develops skin cancer at some point during their lives, and more than 3.5 million non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed in the U.S. each year, affecting more than 2 million people. This means you should ask a dermatologist about any growths on
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