If you suffer from leg pain, swelling, spider veins, varicose veins, venous reflux, or any vein issue, you count on receiving the right diagnosis and treatment from your doctor. As Florida’s largest vein care provider, Water’s Edge Dermatology Vein Center is proud to provide the most respected and experienced vein specialists in Central and South
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Dr. Luke Maj on New Treatments for Venous Leg Ulcers & Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Water’s Edge Vein Center specialists are experts in treating vein issues. In fact, our very own Luke Maj, M.D. presented last week at the American Professional Wound Care Association 17th Annual National Clinical Conference in Baltimore on Friday, September 7th. Dr. Maj’s presentation covered the latest developments in “Diagnosing and Treating Chronic Venous Insufficiency.” With
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