Medically reviewed by Tia Bean, MSN, APRN Pimple popping is having its day. In fact, it’s become a spectator sport. Videos featuring close-ups of whiteheads erupting like Lilliputian volcanoes under pressure from an extractor tool or (sometimes ungloved) fingers get millions of views on YouTube and TikTok. Blackhead popping and cyst popping videos draw plenty
[Read More]Adult Acne
Dairy and Acne: Is There a Link?
Medically reviewed by: John Minni, DO Does dairy cause acne? Claims of a relationship between diet and acne have circulated for decades. Depending on what you read, you may think dairy products are among the worst offenders. But what’s the reality when it comes to dairy and acne? Should you give up pizza, milkshakes or
[Read More]‘Is Accutane Safe?’ and Other Accutane Questions Answered
Medically reviewed by: John Minni, DO Clearing severe acne can be a challenge. When other acne treatments don’t improve deep cysts and nodules, dermatologists often recommend isotretinoin, better known as Accutane. A potent medication, it has been in use for decades. Yet the prospect of taking Accutane for acne frequently raises questions, the main one
[Read More]How to Get Rid of Back Acne
Medically reviewed by: John Minni, DO Back acne, or “bacne,” can be a major summer bummer. In the winter you can keep it under wraps, but going shirtless or baring your back in a bathing suit puts the pimples on full display. If you’re wondering how to get rid of back acne, John Minni, DO, a
[Read More]Is Sun Good for Acne?
If you’re constantly battling pimples due to acne, it’s tempting to try just about anything to get rid of them. Some people believe lying out in the sun will help. The thinking goes that sunlight will dry out the oil in the skin and/or prevent oil production, resulting in clearer skin. Sounds logical, right? After
[Read More]The Best Pillowcase for Acne
Looking for a simple way to pamper your face and make your acne easier to control? Look beyond your medicine cabinet — to your linen closet. “Your pillowcase does matter,” said Sydney VanHoose, APRN, a board-certified nurse practitioner at Water’s Edge Dermatology who specializes in medical and surgical dermatology. Some pillowcases hinder acne treatment, while others
[Read More]How to Get Rid of Cystic Acne
If you’ve ever had cystic acne, you know how painful and how persistent it can be. This aggressive form of inflammatory acne is no minor annoyance. It’s also not something you can treat effectively with an acne product you grab off the shelves. The pus-filled nodules that characterize cystic acne, which form when bacteria, oil
[Read More]Treating Acne in Dark Skin
Acne is no fun for anyone, but acne in Black skin and other skin of color often poses a special challenge. Inflammation from inflammatory acne — or even some harsh products used to treat acne — can leave behind dark spots, known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), which often last longer than the acne itself. “Sometimes the treatment
[Read More]How to Get Rid of Acne Scars
Acne is double trouble: First there’s the ugly blemishes. Then, in many cases, there are the scars that result. If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to get rid of acne scars, or at least make them less noticeable, the answer is yes. The best acne scar treatment depends on your skin tone and the type
[Read More]Three Major Misconceptions & Myths About Professional Acne Treatment
We’ve heard more than our share of acne treatment myths in recent years; from how people get acne, to how they can get rid of it, and just about everything in between. Let’s look at three of the more common misconceptions about professional acne treatment. Myth 1: Dermatologists are basically professional strength pimple-poppers This is
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