Medical Review By: Heather Brew, PA-C Sometimes less is more. Maybe we don’t need to hide our skin under makeup or follow a complicated skin care regimen involving a dozen different products. That’s the thinking behind skinimalism, a minimalist approach to skin care and makeup. What exactly is skinimalism? “I think it’s about going
[Read More]skin problems
What Causes Itchy Skin at Night?
Medical Review By: Marianne Pineda, PA-C How many times has this happened to you: You’re in bed, trying to wind down and drift into sleep, and suddenly your skin starts itching — maybe so much so that it’s hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. You’re not alone. Itchy skin at night, which doctors call
[Read More]What Are the White Spots on My Skin?
Medical Review By: Rachelle Lacey, MD White spots on the skin are usually a cosmetic problem. They can be just as noticeable and bothersome as dark spots, and they may itch, but in most cases they are harmless. That said, whenever you notice a change in your skin, it’s always smart to see a
[Read More]Lotion vs. Cream vs. Ointment: Which to Use When
Medical Review By Jennifer Rivera, APRN Creams, lotions, ointments — they’re all more or less the same, right? Wrong. If you use one moisturizing product for everything, you could be missing out on more effective treatment, whether you’re battling dry skin, oily skin, cracked heels, chapped lips, psoriasis, or other skin challenges. To know
[Read More]Is Blue Light from Screens Bad for Your Skin?
Updated: June 3, 2020 Americans are inseparable from their screens, and it’s not just teens staying up late into the night on YouTube and Snapchat. A Nielsen survey found that adults over age 65 spend nearly 10 hours a day watching TV and using computers, smartphones and tablets. The blue light those screens emit can
[Read More]Five Skin Problems People With Cancer May Experience
In recent years, millions of people have been able to take advantage of new treatments for cancer, such as targeted therapy drugs, which block tumor cell formation. While older chemotherapy procedures killed every cell that divided, this new targeted method allows oncologists to attack specific mutations. This is not only more effective, but significantly reduces
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