Medically reviewed by: Ted Schiff, MD The scalp is one of those parts of the body you don’t usually think about — unless it constantly itches. If it does, you know the particular torture itching can cause. Because there are so many possible causes of itchy scalp, you may need the help of a dermatologist
[Read More]Medical Dermatology
What to Know About COVID Arm
Medical Review By: Ted Schiff, MD You may have heard or read something in the news about so-called COVID arm, a rare delayed reaction to the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. Or maybe you’ve experienced this arm swelling and redness yourself. Is this COVID vaccine side effect something to worry about? What is COVID
[Read More]Face Fillers and the COVID Vaccine: Know the Facts
Medical Review By: Ted Schiff, MD If you’ve had face fillers (also known as cosmetic fillers or dermal fillers) such as Juvedérm or Restylane, you may be wondering if it’s safe to get the vaccine for COVID-19. According to news reports, a few people experienced swelling at the site of their filler injections after
[Read More]Breast Cancer Skin Changes to Watch For
Imagine you notice one of your breasts has become red and feels warm to the touch. Or the skin looks different — say, pebbly, like an orange peel. You do the smart thing and make an appointment with a dermatologist, expecting to go home with a prescription for a skin cream. But it’s possible you
[Read More]Who Should Get Biologics for Psoriasis?
If you have psoriasis, a disease that causes raised, red plaques and silvery scales on the skin, you may be wondering if biologics are right for you. While many of today’s drugs are made by combining chemicals to create new compounds, biologics are grown, often with the help of living cells. They work by targeting
[Read More]6 Skin Symptoms to Never Ignore, Even During COVID-19
Most doctor’s offices are still open — and in fact never closed — during the coronavirus pandemic. But some people have been avoiding seeing the doctor for fear of catching COVID-19. If you have a health condition that needs medical attention, however, that strategy can backfire. Left untreated, some conditions, including certain skin conditions, can
[Read More]How to Choose the Best Hand Sanitizer
Want to avoid COVID-19 and a host of other contagious illnesses? Killing germs with hand sanitizer when you can’t wash your hands with soap and water is smart. That way, when you touch your face, you transfer far fewer active germs to your eyes, nose or mouth. But with so many hand sanitizers on the
[Read More]How to Remove Skin Tags (And Why You Shouldn’t Do It Yourself)
Skin tags are those soft, fleshy growths that protrude from the skin and sometimes hang off it. They’re harmless, but sometimes annoying as they may rub against clothing or get snagged by jewelry. And, let’s face it, if you have a skin tag that’s sitting in plain view, you may get tired of looking at
[Read More]Kawasaki Skin Rash, PMIS and COVID-19: What to Know
Children have largely been spared during the coronavirus pandemic — the virus has mostly struck adults. But recently, alarming images of kids in hospital beds, their skin splashed with red blotches, have peppered the nightly news. The rashes stem from a rare inflammatory disease called pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome (PMIS), also known as multisystem inflammatory
[Read More]How to Avoid Skin Problems from Wearing a Face Mask
Updated June 25, 2020 During the coronavirus pandemic, wearing a face mask has become as normal as wearing clothes (or at least sweatpants, for those sheltering in place). Some people wear one only to grocery shop or take a walk; others, such as healthcare workers, wear one all day long. While a mask helps protect
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